It's 2019 baby, and I can't think of a better way to kick off the new year
than by sharing this next chapter of RESPONSIVE TEXTILES with you:


I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, 'Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.'" ~Ernest Hemingway

I came across this quote at 1 AM back in April, and the idea of a “one true sentence” immediately resonated. The whole quote resonated. When making new collections in the past, I'd worry about how I could top what I’ve created before. Would I be able to? (A pretty overwhelming thought.) What I've come to realize though is that it’s not about making something better than before. Rather, as Hemingway so perfectly put it, it’s about creating something true: one true sentence. The truest sentence I know.

Here’s my one true sentence: We are human. Our bodies change and our seasons change, which is why I create womenswear that honors this natural ebb and flow within ourselves. Knits that are comfortable, as well as polished. Timeless and versatile. Garments that meet you where you’re at and will last you for years to come. Our knits are your DECLARATIVE statement in your closet, designed to be your go-to’s. The pieces you can depend on to effortlessly flatter and feel amazing.

And there you have it: DECLARATIVE. A word that speaks to the heart of our purpose as a knitwear brand and also echoes back to our origins with RESPONSIVE.

Since the brand has slowly evolved over the last few collections, think of this change as a clarification rather than a rebrand overhaul. Although our name is different, much of our aesthetic is staying the same. So what's changed? Anything with our name on it. Here's an overview:

Instagram: @declarativethelabel
Facebook: (I had to start from scratch on FB because they have some strict rules about name changes. So please Like this new page to follow along with future posts.)
Our stickers, tags and labels have also been redesigned so stay tuned for those!

Phew! This transition has been a long time coming, and thank you for being on this journey with me. Your emails, DMs and comments are a constant reminder that although I’m alone in the studio everyday, I am not alone in this at all. We are building this brand together, and I’m so grateful for it. Cheers to an incredible 2019!

xKristine of DECLARATIVE