If you know me, you know that I love anniversaries. And this past Monday, Feb 5th, was a notable one. Four years ago to the day, I met with Fashion Week San Diego and pitched RESPONSIVE TEXTILES for their SS15 runway shows. (Ahh, how time flies?!?) This meeting, out of the many meetings that have happened since, is important because it started our journey to becoming the brand we are today. I talked a bit about this on social media, and many of you reached out wanting to hear more. So as a perfect #tbt, here are the details. 

Now, let me set up the situation. When Feb 5th, 2014 rolled around, RESPONSIVE TEXTILES was just a line of scarves... three scarves to be exact. All brand photos had been taken by me. The model was my generous housemate Lauren. The brand did not have an Instagram, the studio was still in my bedroom, and I, a little nugget of 23, had never made a collection before.


Only three scarves = RESPONSIVE TEXTILES circa early 2014.
The collection was titled "the Lady Myth Series."


RSPNSV TXTLS' first model and my housemate Lauren, who generous agreed to model. This picture was taken in our backyard.

As you may already be sensing, my decision to apply to Fashion Week San Diego was impulsive. Oh to be a fearless and 23 again! While treating myself to a weekday brunch (my favorite ritual), I stumbled across FWSD's call for designers. Before my chai arrived at the table, I had decided that I needed to apply for this. Not even two hours later, I was clicking submit on my application. And by the end of the day, I had an interview scheduled with their team. Like I said, it was impulsive. But I was moved and inspired, and so I just went for it. Talk about what you can accomplish in a day!

Come February 5th, I walked into the FWSD office with a SS15 moodboard and some knit swatches. I met with their team and pitched my vision for what I wanted RESPONSIVE TEXTILES to become. Despite my inexperience, they took a chance on me anyway and gave me a spot in their runway lineup, which I am still so grateful for. There is nothing like financially committing to a runway show to get your booty into gear and motivate you to just go for it. I went from taking baby steps (just a few scarves) to jumping right in with a 10 look collection (View SS15 here.)


Disclaimer: This is by far the most elaborate and beautiful moodboard I have ever made. It still hangs in the RSPNSV TXTLS studio today right next to my knitting machine.


Little Kristine of RESPONSIVE TEXTILES at the FWSD trunk show
Right after showing our first collection: SS15

And here we are today! Four years, five runway shows, five collections and countless lessons later. And even though RESPONSIVE TEXTILES no longer shows at Fashion Weeks anymore, this first show was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself and this brand. It was our official beginning, our launching point. No doubt, you can expect more growth and change in the future. But you better believe that I will be chiming in to pay tribute to each notable date and remind us about the journey so far.